Grass Master

Powdery Mildew

How to Identify
Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew first appears on the leaves as individual tufts of fine, white mycelium. The tufts enlarge and coalesce, causing the leaves to have a grayish-white or powdery appearance. Severely infected turf turns yellow, then tan and brown in color.

Powdery Mildew-infected Turf
Grass Master looking at lawn to estimate if resident needs our lawn aeration services.

Grass Master is Here
to Help

This lawn disease is typically a result of grass that is already under stress, high humidity, has poor circulation and shady areas in the mid-60’s. Turf that is severely infected, especially in shaded areas, can become thinned and/or die.

Contact the team at Grass Master for next steps involving powdery mildew on your lawn.

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