How Ohio’s Predicted Mild Winter Could Mean More Fleas and Ticks
While you may be praising Mother Nature for delivering you fewer snowy, slushy days this year, a mild winter has its downside: more fleas and ticks in your yard.
Learn more about the effects of a warmer-than-normal winter and how you can protect your home, family and pets with flea and tick control.
Another Mild Winter
Grass Master has been serving Ohio homeowners since 1981, so we’ve seen our share of Akron/Canton-area winters. This winter stands to be warmer than the norm.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center, the 2023-2024 winter season in Northeast Ohio will see a 40% to 50% probability of higher-than-usual temperatures.
The NOAA is also predicting drier-than-normal conditions for this period. Climate scientists attribute this to the El Nino development, which is returning for the first time in four years.
While a warmer, drier winter likely means less snow shoveling for you, there are other effects to expect, too, including a rise in ticks and fleas.
How Weather Affects Ohio Flea and Tick Populations
There is a connection between mild winter weather and the local flea and tick populations, according to the Ohio State University Extension. Ticks spend the winter in the soil, so a warmer winter means a more comfortable rest and a higher survival rate for these insects.
While ticks can be active anytime during the year, they are the most active beginning in April. With a warmer winter, you could see tick activity sooner than that, however.
The flea is another Ohio pest that’s bound to be enjoying warmer temps. While most fleas can’t survive below-freezing temperatures for long, milder temperatures give them a chance to survive long enough to travel into your home and enjoy more comfortable surroundings. And unlike ticks, fleas can jump.
Rising numbers of fleas and ticks cause a host of problems, including disease. Lyme disease is a notable tick-borne bacterial infection, causing painful symptoms in both humans and pets. The Ohio Department of Health reports that nearly every county in Ohio saw an increase in Lyme disease cases in 2023 compared to the previous 10-year average.
Other tickborne illnesses include anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and even an allergy to meat. Left untreated, tickborne diseases like Lyme can cause lifelong effects, including pain, fatigue and depression.
How to Protect Your Home and Family
While you can’t control the weather, there is something you can control: your environment. Taking proactive steps to limit the spread of pests on your property can counteract the effects of a milder winter and give you a head start on pest control for spring.
At Grass Master, we understand Ohio’s climate and how it can impact your quality of life. We offer a range of pest control services that include flea and tick control to decrease their populations in your yard.
Our experienced and certified lawn care technicians take special care to treat your yard for fleas and ticks, using a treatment application that lasts up to 8 weeks. Additionally, a proper cutting schedule for your grass will keep your lawn short and deprive fleas and ticks of their habitat. We also recommend removing debris or grass clippings from your lawn for this reason, and we are happy to provide that service as well.
Contact Grass Master
Don’t let mild winter weather set the stage for spring pests. Contact us to schedule your flea and tick service or inquire about a consultation to get the full benefits of lawn care service from the professionals at Grass Master.